It is great having a drop box for patrons to use at any hour on any day! EXCEPT….
Except … when it is used when we are open…. and we have already checked the box … IF we hear it drop, then we MAY check it again… and again…. and again… Or a patron complains about fines because they know they returned it on time … and maybe we didn’t check the box (for the thousandth time) …
Except … when patrons include fine money with their books…and the money or envelope ends up separated from whatever item had the fine… and there is no way to tell to whose account it belongs…. or it slips into the bin never to be seen again….
Except …. when patrons have discovered that they didn’t include the dvd with the cover and drop it in the box .. sometimes using a ziplock…
Except … when kids use it as a trash bin…